Gustavo Troncoso

30 Years in Business

PGS CORPS Multinational

Three decades of uninterrupted business worldwide. More than a dozen companies operating in 30 countries. Creating, developing and expanding businesses in over half a dozen business sectors, from transportation and banking, to import/export, digital platforms, franchasing, consulting and marketing operartions.


Business & Personal Profile

PGS Multinational Corporate Group was formed in 1990, after our CEO created and developed several startups from 1983 and until December 20th, 1989, when the US Invasion to Panama completely obliterated most of the business infrastructure in that country. Our CEO, who at the moment worked for the US Government in Panama, escaped and restarted operations in Boca Raton, Florida, leaving Panama after the Airport Runway was repaired (three months after the invasion started) and flew his family and business into the United States of America.

From that day (March 1990) and until the present, PGS Multinational Corporate group has evolved and changed adapting to present times, doing business over the Internet and taking advantage more than 30 years of international in-person business in the most productive markets in the world.


Business Operations

Our main operating sectors that created PGS Corporate Group

Business Development

Since 1990, PGS companies specialized in the creation and development of ideas into profitable businesses. Our strategy was to penetrate the different markets with new and innovative companies.

Connected Teams

If you wanted to be successful in business, you must be successful creating excellent teams. Success is never achieved alone, there must always be a well organized and mentored group of people with you.

Digital Operations

Even before the digital era impacted most of the latinamerican countries, we were already developing digital technologies in the United States and introducing them as solutions in new and emerging markets.



Why do we do what we do and for what.

Because the more I think about it, I really like to make money helping people, not abusing people. We excel in life, helping others succeed, as most surly, giving is better than receiving!

Gustavo Troncoso , CEO PGS Multinational

For any one to be successful in business, he or she must be successful at home. If you have to choose between both, where to be successful, you have already failed.

Carolina Troncoso, PGS Partner

Start a Convertation

Let's discuss your grest idea and let us see how can we help you.

Let's create something different and more meaningful, more conceptual.

Phone Number

+44 333 090 5138

Email address

HQ address

251 Little Falls Dr. Wilmington, DE 19808